Friday, January 16, 2009

Milk and Cookies

If you're into mindless entertainment and virtual chatter, this is your site, baby! One reviewer described it as a "virtual Flea Market of links to videos, games, etc." and I'd have to agree. Milk and Cookies is seriously the busiest wackiest looking site I've ever seen with wild purple, black and cream ribbons and images of, what else, milk and cookies, above and below. I got the impression that it updates frequently, it is definitely looks like the site to visit when you have time to kill (away from the boss...ahem) and want to be amused. There is something here for everyone (to quote their menu bar): News, Video, Music, Games, Celebrities (?!), a blog, and as can be expected, nothing about it's creators or mission ... but who cares? This is Pinocchio's fantasy, nothing but fun, fun, fun! You have to sign up to join the site, and then you can literally browse it for hours. Oh yeah, I bet there's some interesting trivia here...!