Sunday, February 22, 2009

Caring Places

You know, there's nothing like a gift, right? Especially when in need and times are tough (like these times), the news is all about people losing their homes and jobs, and things are awful, just awful. It really gets to me. So, when Elin, (yet another Facebook friend) posted a note that a young Montana mother, friend of a friend, needs all the prayers she can get now, and added this website link, I had to add this link here.

A Caring Bridge offers a group of free, personalized websites that support and connect loved ones during critical illness, treatment and recovery. It's generous, well intentioned, and free service providing easy-to-create websites that include a journal, guestbook message board and photo gallery. A CaringBridge website provides patient and caregiver support, and encouragement for anyone facing cancer or chronic illness.

Nice. Really. Very nice.

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