Thursday, February 26, 2009


I am not a geek! I swear to God, no! Not geek - occasionally hip - yes, cool - absolutely. Geek, buried in tech? No. Which is what I thought Wired magazine was about. They feature all kinds of stories about tech things, but today's blog article on the Obama's dog pick is what made me open the article ... and not disappointed, I read their choice was 'solidly scientific' but the real headline was how pimps are using the 'net to lure kids into prostitution (I'm a parent, that headline disturbs me), on to a question on the ethics of cultivating baby dinos from poultry (why would we want to do this???), and Ryan Air's slam of the evil blogger ... cool stuff ... right up my reading alley.

I like it. is your essential daily guide to what's next, delivering the most original and complete take you'll find anywhere on innovation's impact on technology, science, business and culture. is a smart site for smart people. Like me.

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